
Square Message unifies buyer-seller communication across Block’s ecosystem. But as the messaging hub’s data volume grew, the original data stack couldn’t scale, query latency increased, and schema migrations were shaky. As a result, Block needed to find a modern, more scalable alternative to MySQL.

In this video, Christina Lee, Senior Product Designer at Block, and Henry Qin, Software Engineer at Block, explain why the company selected TiDB database — the world’s most advanced, open-source, distributed SQL database with built-in HTAP capabilities to handle its growing MySQL data workloads.

Related Resources

Henry Qin

HTAP Summit 2022 Session Replay: A Case Study - One Product Team's Journey to Self-Host TiDB in Production


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Henry Qin

HTAP Summit 2022 Session Replay: A Case Study - One Product Team's Journey to Self-Host TiDB in Production


Why Catalyst Selected TiDB


Why Niantic Selected TiDB