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Drivers and ORMs that support TiDB
Name ORM / Driver Latest tested version TiDB adapter Tutorial
Hibernate ORM 6.1.0.Final Connect to TiDB with Hibernate
MyBatis ORM v3.5.10 Connect to TiDB with MyBatis
Spring Data JPA ORM 2.7.2 Connect to TiDB with Spring Boot
jOOQ ORM v3.16.7 (Open Source)
JDBC Driver 5.1.46; 8.0.29 5.1.46: N/A; 8.0.29: pingcap/mysql-connector-j Connect to TiDB with JDBC
Name ORM / Driver Latest tested version TiDB adapter Tutorial
gorm ORM v1.23.5 Connect to TiDB with GORM
beego ORM v2.0.3
upper/db ORM v4.5.2
xorm ORM v1.3.1
go-sql-driver/mysql Driver v1.6.0 Connect to TiDB with Go-MySQL-Driver
Name ORM / Driver Latest tested version TiDB adapter Tutorial
laravel ORM laravel-tidb
MySQL Connector/PHP Driver
Name ORM / Driver Latest tested version TiDB adapter Tutorial
Sequelize ORM v6.20.1 Connect to TiDB with Sequelize
Knex.js ORM
Prisma ORM 4.16.2 Connect to TiDB with Prisma
TypeORM ORM v0.3.17 Connect to TiDB with TypeORM
mysql.js Driver Connect to TiDB with mysql.js
node-mysql2 Driver Connect to TiDB with node-mysql2
Name ORM / Driver Latest tested version TiDB adapter Tutorial
ActiveRecord ORM v7.0 Connect to TiDB with Rails Framework and ActiveRecord ORM
mysql2 Driver Connect to TiDB with mysql2
Name ORM / Driver Latest tested version TiDB adapter Tutorial
MySQL Connector/C Driver 6.1.11
Name ORM / Driver Latest tested version TiDB adapter Tutorial
MySQL Connector/NET Driver
MySQL Connector/ODBC Driver

Demos and Tutorials

Get started now with our example apps and projects!
Simple S&P500 Dashboard

Using Vercel + NextJS + TiDB Serverless to build a simple S&P500 dashboard.

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Insights into Automotive Sales

Insight car sales trends using TiDB serverless driver and edge functions.

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Edge functionTiDB ServerlessPrisma


A powerful insight tool that analyzes billions of GitHub events data to help you get insight into any single GitHub repository/developers, compare any two repositories using the same metrics, and provide comprehensive, valuable, and trending open source insights.

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DemoData AnalysisHTAP


An E-commerce demo application powered by TiDB Cloud and Snowflake.In this demo, we will use TiDB Cloud and Snowflake to build an online e-commerce system, which will use TiDB's powerful realtime HTAP capability and Snowflake's offline analysis capability for a large amount of data in the system.

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Bookshop is a virtual online bookstore application through which you can find books of various categories and rate the books.You can perform CRUD operations such as viewing book details, adding and deleting ratings, editing book inventory, etc.

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DemoNode/TS ORMBookstore

Datadog Integration

You can configure TiDB Cloud to send metric data about your TiDB clusters to Datadog. After that, you can view these metrics in your Datadog dashboards directly.

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TutorialDatadogTiDB Cloud

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Podcasts: Data in the Hallway

We have a podcast series called Data in the Hallway, where we discuss community, database, open source, and other topics. You can find the podcast series on YouTube or on your favorite podcast platforms (e.g., Apple podcasts, Spotify, etc.)!


Data in the Hallway
Episode 0 – Series Kickoff
Data in the Hallway
Episode 1 – The ongoing popularity of MySQL
Data in the Hallway
Episode 2 – How Hackathons can help developers

Developer Courses

Learn how to use TiDB by taking our guided Training.
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Introduction to TiDB

This course introduces the reasons behind customers' adoption of TiDB, as well as the core components and their concepts required to build up a distributed TiDB cluster and TiDB Cloud.

  • Audience: Architects, Developers and Database administrators
  • Level: Introductory
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Prerequisites: None

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TiDB Workshop for MySQL Users

This workshop is a shortcut path to help an experienced MySQL user understand the unique features of TiDB and TiDB Cloud, with a series of hands-on exercises.

  • Audience: Architects, Developers and Database administrators
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Prerequisites: Experienced with SQL queries and basic knowledge with DML and DDL on MySQL compatible RDBMS.

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Working with TiDB from Java

This course guides you through a series of concepts and hands-on best practices to implement read and write operations via Java applications. It focuses on the JDBC driver perspective to get the audience ready to face any Java based ORM frameworks.

  • Audience: SQL and Java developers
  • Level: Introductory
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Prerequisites: Experience with Java programming and SQL

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