How TiDB’s HTAP Makes Truly Hybrid Workloads Possible

This post introduces the design details of the HTAP architecture of TiDB, including the real-time updatable columnar engine, the multi-Raft replication strategy, and smart selection.

A Few More Reasons Rust Compiles Slowly

This is the fourth episode of the Rust Compile Time series. It discusses some factors that cause Rust to build slow, including LLVM, compiler architecture, and linking.

Rust’s Huge Compilation Units

The third episode of the Rust Compile Time series discusses why Rust's compilation units are so big and how that affects compile times.

Generics and Compile-Time in Rust

This is the second episode of the Rust Compile Time series. Brian Anderson, one of Rust's original authors, talks about monomorphization, using the TiKV project as a case study.

How We Improved TPC-C Performance by 50% and TPC-H Performance by 100%

TiDB 4.0 release greatly outperforms TiDB 3.0. Our TPC-C benchmark improved by about 50% and our TPC-H benchmark improved by about 100%.

Large Transactions in TiDB

This post describes how we implemented support for large transactions in TiDB 4.0.

Simulating Clock Skew in K8s Without Affecting Other Containers on the Node

As a cloud-native chaos engineering platform, Chaos Mesh supports TimeChaos, which simulates clock skew in containers or K8s for distributed systems to test system robustness, without affecting other containers on the node.

Quickly Find Rust Program Bottlenecks Online Using a Go Tool

It can be hard to find Rust programs' performance bottlenecks online. By integrating pprof-rs in TiKV, we can use the Go tool pprof to visualize TiKV's profiling data. This helps analyze the program's performance online.

Early Impressions of Go from a Rust Programmer

Nick Cameron is a long-time Rust programmer who has recently started using Go. In this post, he talks about his early impressions of Go. Read this post to learn more.

How We Reduced Multi-region Read Latency and Network Traffic by 50%

High read latency and network traffic are common issues for a multi-region architecture. At TiDB Hackathon 2019, a team won 2nd place by reducing multi-region read latency and network traffic by 50%. Read this post to learn how they did it.

The Rust Compilation Model Calamity

In this first episode of the Rust Compile time series, Brian Anderson, one of Rust's original authors, shares with you his researches and experiences with Rust compile times, using the TiKV project as a case study.

How TiKV Reads and Writes

This post details how TiKV, as a distributed database, stores the data contained in a write request and how it retrieves the corresponding data with consistency guaranteed.