The Advantages of Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP)

The Evolution of Data Processing Needs

In the ever-evolving realm of data processing, organizations have historically differentiated between transactional and analytical workloads. Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) systems are responsible for handling daily transactions, such as customer orders, banking transactions, or other routine business operations. On the other hand, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems enable complex queries to analyze data and derive insights.

The traditional approach often involves a chasm between these two domains, leading to data lag between transactional systems and analytical databases, significant maintenance overhead, and operational inefficiencies. This separation restricts organizations from making real-time data-driven decisions and responding agilely to market demands.

Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) presents a paradigm shift by converging OLTP and OLAP capabilities within a single database system. This unification allows real-time data processing and analytics, empowering organizations to harness freshly ingested data for insights and decision-making.

Benefits of HTAP

Real-time Insights

An illustration showing a comparison between traditional ETL process latency and real-time analytics with HTAP.

One of the most compelling benefits of HTAP is the ability to deliver real-time insights. Unlike traditional systems where ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes introduce latency, HTAP systems ensure that data is available for analysis instantly as it is generated. For example, an e-commerce company can use HTAP to analyze customer purchasing behaviors in real-time, allowing them to adapt marketing strategies on-the-fly.

Simplified Architecture

Integrating OLTP and OLAP into a single system simplifies an organization’s data architecture. This reduction in complexity means fewer tools, streamlined workflows, and reduced integration costs. With HTAP, companies can eliminate the need for separate data warehousing solutions, thus unifying the data management process within one system.

Cost Savings

By consolidating the IT infrastructure, HTAP systems bring significant cost savings. There are fewer software licenses to manage, less hardware to maintain, and lower operational costs overall. Moreover, reduced data movement between systems decreases network and storage expenses.

Application Scenarios Suitable for HTAP


In the e-commerce sector, HTAP plays a pivotal role in handling and analyzing vast amounts of customer data. Real-time insights into customer behaviors and transaction histories enable personalized shopping experiences, targeted marketing, and dynamic pricing models. This immediate feedback loop optimizes customer satisfaction and drives sales.

Financial Services

For financial institutions, HTAP systems are invaluable in monitoring transaction fraud in real-time, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing risk more effectively. The ability to instantly analyze transactions as they occur, without the lag of traditional transaction-to-analytics data pipelines, is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of financial operations.


The Internet of Things (IoT) generates a massive influx of data from connected devices. HTAP allows for the real-time processing and analysis of this data, enabling rapid responses to events. Whether it’s monitoring industrial equipment for predictive maintenance or analyzing health metrics from wearable devices, HTAP ensures that insights are derived as quickly as data is generated.

For further reading on HTAP use cases and their implementation with TiDB, explore blogs about HTAP on the PingCAP website.

Understanding TiDB for HTAP

Architecture and Key Features of TiDB

TiDB, a distributed SQL database, epitomizes the principles of HTAP by combining row-based storage for OLTP and columnar storage for OLAP within a singular cohesive system. The row-based storage is handled by TiKV, optimized for fast transactional reads and writes. Complementary to TiKV, TiFlash serves as the columnar storage engine, designed for rapid analytical queries. To learn more about how TiDB’s storage engines work together, check out the architecture of TiDB HTAP.

A crucial component of TiDB’s architecture is its ability to replicate data between TiKV and TiFlash seamlessly, ensuring strong consistency. This co-existence and synchronization of storage engines enable a hybrid workload to perform effectively without compromising on data accuracy. TiDB’s Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO) dynamically decides between the row-based and columnar engines based on the query type and cost estimates, optimizing performance automatically.

How TiDB Combines OLTP and OLAP Workloads

TiDB’s architecture supports the simultaneous processing of transactional and analytical workloads through its design of disaggregated storage and compute. The transactional workload leverages TiKV, where row-based storage excels due to its low-latency reads and writes. For analytical workloads, TiDB routes complex queries to TiFlash, utilizing its columnar storage optimized for large-scale data scans and aggregations.

Here’s a simplified example to illustrate how TiDB handles a hybrid workload:

  1. Transactional Query: An incoming order transaction is written to TiKV.
  2. Replication: The data is asynchronously replicated to TiFlash.
  3. Analytical Query: A query analyzing sales trends is routed to TiFlash.

This seamless integration allows TiDB to run hybrids of OLTP and OLAP workloads efficiently, isolating the impact of analytical queries on transactional performance.

Scalability and Performance in TiDB

One of TiDB’s standout features is its horizontal scalability, which enables it to handle massive data volumes and high query loads efficiently. By adding more nodes to a TiDB cluster, you can enhance both storage capacity and computational power, ensuring that the database grows seamlessly with your business requirements.

TiDB’s automatic data sharding and load balancing further ensure the system’s performance remains optimal. For clusters running large-scale analytical queries, deploying additional TiFlash nodes can dramatically improve query speed, as highlighted in the sample use case in the background materials.

Moreover, TiDB’s support for Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) in TiFlash enhances performance for complex queries that involve large datasets. The MPP execution engine distributes query processing across multiple nodes, significantly reducing query response times. This setup is particularly beneficial for use cases like real-time business intelligence analytics, where quick insights from massive datasets are critical.

Implementing HTAP with TiDB

Setting Up TiDB for HTAP

The first step in implementing HTAP with TiDB involves setting up a TiDB cluster and configuring the necessary storage engines: TiKV for OLTP workloads and TiFlash for OLAP workloads.

  1. Deploy TiDB Cluster: If you have not yet deployed a TiDB cluster, follow the instructions in the Deploy a TiDB Cluster using TiUP guide. For clusters handling hybrid workloads, deploying the topology of TiFlash is also necessary.
  2. Add TiFlash Nodes: For an existing TiDB cluster without TiFlash nodes, you can scale out the cluster by adding TiFlash nodes as described in the Scale out a TiFlash cluster guide.
  3. Data Replication: After deploying TiFlash, specify the tables that need to be replicated to TiFlash. Use the following SQL statement to initiate the replication process:

    ALTER TABLE your_table_name SET TIFLASH REPLICA 1;

    Checking the progress of TiFlash replicas is straightforward through SQL queries:

    SELECT * FROM information_schema.tiflash_replica WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'your_table_name';

    Ensure the PROGRESS column reaches 1, indicating completion.

Best Practices for Schema Design and Data Modeling in TiDB

When designing schemas for TiDB, consider the following best practices to optimize both transactional and analytical performance:

  1. Partitioning: Use partitioned tables to manage large datasets effectively. Partitioning improves query performance and simplifies data management.
  2. Indexes: Implement appropriate indexing strategies on transactional tables to optimize query performance, minimizing latency for OLTP operations.
  3. Hybrid Tables: Ensure that critical analytical tables have TiFlash replicas to leverage TiFlash’s columnar storage for read-heavy analytical queries.
  4. Data Duplication: For analytical queries requiring join operations, duplicate lookup tables in TiFlash-enabled tables to enhance query speed.

Case Studies: Successful HTAP Implementations with TiDB

E-commerce Example

A prominent e-commerce platform utilizes TiDB to track customer orders and derive real-time insights into sales trends. By employing TiFlash for analytical queries, the platform can determine the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and customer engagement strategies instantly, optimizing inventory and improving customer satisfaction.

Financial Services Example

A financial institution adopted TiDB to enhance its fraud detection capabilities. By correlating transactional data in real-time with historical patterns, the institution can identify anomalous activities as they occur, mitigating potential risks and ensuring compliance.


The advent of HTAP has ushered in a new era of data processing, enabling real-time insights and simplified architecture at reduced costs. TiDB stands at the forefront of this revolution, uniquely blending OLTP and OLAP within a unified system. By understanding its architecture, leveraging its scalability, and implementing best practices for schema design, organizations can unlock the full potential of HTAP with TiDB. Whether in e-commerce, financial services, or IoT, TiDB’s HTAP capabilities empower businesses to make data-driven decisions with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

Explore more about HTAP and TiDB in the TiDB HTAP guide and learn how to get started quickly with TiDB’s HTAP features in the HTAP Quick Start.

Last updated September 20, 2024