Understanding TiDB’s Raft-Based Consensus Mechanism

Introduction to Consensus Mechanisms

In the realm of distributed systems, achieving consensus is paramount. Consensus mechanisms ensure that all nodes in a distributed system agree on a single data value, enabling consistency and fault tolerance. This is particularly crucial for databases managing massive amounts of data across multiple nodes, where discrepancies can lead to inconsistent data states and potential data loss. Traditional consensus algorithms, such as Paxos, have been employed for this purpose, but they are often criticized for their complexity and impracticality. This is where the Raft consensus algorithm shines, offering simplicity, understandability, and robust consensus capabilities.

What is Raft? – An Overview

An overview diagram showing the key components of the Raft algorithm, including leader election, log replication, safety, and membership changes.

Raft, introduced in 2014, is a consensus algorithm designed to be more understandable and easier to implement than Paxos. The primary goal of Raft is to manage a replicated log across a distributed system, ensuring data consistency and availability. The core components of Raft include:

  • Leader Election: Raft elects a leader among the nodes, which handles all client interactions and log replication to other nodes (followers).
  • Log Replication: The leader is responsible for appending entries to the log and replicating them to followers, ensuring that all nodes have a consistent log.
  • Safety: Raft guarantees that logs on all nodes are identical, even in the presence of failures.
  • Membership Changes: Raft accommodates changes in the cluster composition, such as adding or removing nodes.

Raft divides time into terms, with each term starting with an election. During an election, candidates attempt to gather majority votes to become the leader. Once elected, the leader manages log replication and ensures data consistency across the cluster.

Implementing Raft in TiDB

TiDB, a distributed SQL database, leverages the Raft algorithm to achieve high availability and consistency across its distributed architecture. TiDB’s storage layer, TiKV, is a distributed key-value store that employs Raft for consensus. Here’s a step-by-step look at how Raft is implemented in TiDB:

  1. Leader Election: When a TiKV cluster starts, nodes begin in the follower state. If a follower does not receive communication from a leader within a specific timeframe, it transitions to a candidate state, initiating an election. The candidate requests votes from other nodes. If a candidate receives a majority of votes, it becomes the leader.

  2. Log Replication: The leader handles all write operations. When a client writes data to TiKV, the leader appends the entry to its log and replicates this entry to its followers. Followers acknowledge the receipt of log entries. Once the leader receives acknowledgments from a majority of followers, the entry is committed, ensuring data consistency.

  3. Committing Entries: Each log entry contains a command for the state machine (e.g., write operation). Once a log entry is committed, it is applied to the state machine, ensuring all nodes execute the same commands in the same order.

  4. Handling Failures: Raft is designed to handle node failures gracefully. If a leader fails, an election is triggered, and a new leader is elected. The new leader ensures any uncommitted log entries are replicated and committed, maintaining data consistency.

For a detailed guide on TiDB’s Raft implementation, refer to TiDB documentation on multiple data centers deployment.

Key Components of TiDB’s Raft-Based Consensus

Nodes and Clusters in TiDB

TiDB clusters consist of multiple nodes, each running the TiKV storage component. These nodes can be distributed across various availability zones (AZs) within a region. The primary components of a TiDB cluster involved in Raft-based consensus are:

  • TiKV Servers: Responsible for data storage and log replication.
  • Placement Driver (PD): Manages metadata, cluster configuration, and dispatches read/write requests.
  • TiDB Servers: Act as the SQL layer, processing client requests and interacting with TiKV servers for data storage and retrieval.

TiDB clusters typically span multiple AZs to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. Data is distributed across nodes in regions (not to be confused with geographic regions), which are subsets of the overall key-value space managed by TiKV. Each region is replicated across multiple nodes to form a Raft group.

Leader Election Process

Leader election is a crucial aspect of the Raft algorithm. Here’s how it unfolds in a TiDB cluster:

  1. Initialization: When a TiKV cluster starts or when a leader fails, nodes begin in the follower state.
  2. Election Timeout: If a follower does not hear from the leader within an election timeout period, it transitions to the candidate state.
  3. Requesting Votes: The candidate node sends RequestVote RPCs to other nodes.
  4. Voting: Nodes respond with their votes. A node votes for the first candidate it hears from in a term and ignores subsequent requests.
  5. Leader Election: If a candidate receives votes from a majority of nodes, it becomes the leader for the term.
  6. Heartbeat: The leader sends periodic heartbeat messages (AppendEntries RPCs) to all followers to maintain its leadership role.

Leader election ensures that all nodes agree on a single leader, which then manages log replication and data consistency.

Log Replication and Data Consistency

Once a leader is elected, it oversees log replication to all followers. Here’s how log replication works in TiDB:

  1. Appending Entries: When a client sends a write request, the leader appends the entry to its log.
  2. Replicating Entries: The leader replicates the log entry to all followers by sending AppendEntries RPCs.
  3. Acknowledgment: Followers acknowledge receipt of the entry. If a follower is behind, the leader sends it the entire log to catch up.
  4. Commitment: Once the leader receives acknowledgments from a majority of followers, the entry is committed. The leader then applies the entry to its state machine and informs the client of the successful write operation.
  5. Follower State Machines: Followers apply committed entries to their state machines to maintain consistency.

Data consistency is guaranteed through Raft’s log replication process. In case of leader failure, a new leader is elected, and it ensures any uncommitted entries are properly replicated before taking over.

Advantages and Challenges of Using Raft in TiDB

Enhanced Data Reliability and Fault Tolerance

The primary advantage of Raft-based consensus is enhanced data reliability and fault tolerance. By replicating data across multiple nodes and employing a leader-follower model, TiDB ensures that:

  • Data Loss Prevention: Data is replicated to multiple nodes, minimizing the risk of data loss in case of node failures.
  • Automatic Failover: If a leader fails, Raft’s election mechanism quickly elects a new leader, ensuring high availability.
  • Consistency: Raft guarantees that all nodes maintain consistent logs, ensuring data consistency across the cluster.

Performance and Scalability Considerations

While Raft provides robustness, it also introduces performance and scalability considerations:

  • Write Latency: Writes require acknowledgment from a majority of nodes. This can introduce latency, especially in geographically distributed clusters.
  • Network Overhead: Log replication involves significant network communication, which can impact performance, particularly in high-latency networks.
  • Scalability: As the number of nodes increases, the overhead of managing elections and replicating logs grows. This can limit scalability.

TiDB mitigates these challenges through careful cluster design, such as deploying clusters in multiple AZs within a single region to reduce network latency.

For more insights into TiDB deployment strategies, check out the documentation on TiDB storage.

Potential Pitfalls and Mitigation Strategies

Despite its advantages, Raft in TiDB is not without potential pitfalls:

  • Split-Brain Scenarios: In network partition scenarios, split-brain issues can arise where multiple leaders are elected. TiDB mitigates this through quorum-based decision-making, ensuring that only one leader is recognized.
  • Performance Degradation: High network latency and node failures can degrade performance. TiDB addresses this by optimizing its scheduling policies and configuring clusters to minimize cross-AZ communication.
  • Complexity: Implementing Raft requires careful handling of edge cases and ensuring that all nodes are in sync. TiDB’s robust implementation and detailed documentation help mitigate this complexity.

For a deep dive into TiDB’s Raft-based high availability and disaster recovery mechanisms, explore the detailed TiDB documentation.


The Raft consensus algorithm plays a pivotal role in TiDB’s architecture, enabling high availability, data consistency, and fault tolerance. By implementing Raft, TiDB achieves robust data replication, automatic failover, and reliable data storage across distributed nodes. While Raft introduces some performance and scalability challenges, TiDB’s well-designed architecture and careful deployment strategies ensure optimal performance.

For those looking to build highly available and resilient distributed databases, understanding Raft and its implementation in TiDB provides invaluable insights. Whether you’re deploying TiDB clusters in multiple availability zones or managing large-scale distributed data systems, Raft’s consensus mechanism offers a reliable and understandable solution to achieve consensus in distributed environments.

For more information and practical guides on deploying TiDB and leveraging its Raft-based consensus mechanism, visit the official TiDB documentation.

Last updated September 13, 2024