Introduction to Raft Consensus

Overview of Raft Consensus Algorithm

The Raft consensus algorithm is a critical component of many distributed systems. Created to be a more understandable alternative to the Paxos algorithm, Raft simplifies the process of achieving consensus among a cluster of machines. It is designed with the following features in mind:

  • Leader election: In Raft, one node is elected as the leader to manage the cluster and coordinate all changes.
  • Log replication: Ensures that the same log entries are replicated across all nodes in the cluster.
  • Safety: Guarantees that once a log entry is committed, it will not be overwritten or removed.
  • Membership changes: Allows for safely adding or removing nodes in the cluster.
Diagram illustrating the Raft consensus process with Leader election, Log replication, and Safety.

The algorithm operates by dividing the consensus process into three main sub-problems:

  1. Leader election: One node is elected as the leader to facilitate log entry management.
  2. Log replication: The log entries are synchronized across the cluster.
  3. Safety: Ensuring committed log entries are never lost.

Raft’s design is based on the principle of majority rule; for any decision to be made, a majority of the nodes in the cluster must agree.

Importance of Consensus Algorithms in Distributed Systems

In any distributed system, ensuring consistency across all nodes is paramount. Consensus algorithms are the backbone that enables this consistency, making sure that all nodes in the system agree on the same state. Here are some of the reasons why consensus algorithms are crucial:

  • Fault Tolerance: They allow the system to continue functioning correctly despite failures of some nodes.
  • Data Consistency: Ensure that all nodes in a distributed system have the same correct and up-to-date information.
  • High Availability: Enable systems to provide continuous service even during failures or network partitions.
  • Leader Election: Facilitate the selection of a single node to be in charge of orchestrating the system, ensuring there is no conflict or redundancy.

Raft, with its focus on simplicity and understandability, becomes an essential tool in the arsenal of any distributed system engineer. When integrated into a database like TiDB, Raft guarantees high availability, robust fault tolerance, and consistent data replication across multiple nodes.

How TiDB Implements Raft

Integration of Raft in TiKV (TiDB’s Key-Value Storage Layer)

TiDB, a distributed SQL database, relies on TiKV for its key-value storage layer. TiKV, in turn, leverages the Raft consensus algorithm to ensure data consistency and fault tolerance. The integration of Raft into TiKV provides a solid foundation for building a highly reliable and scalable database system.

In TiKV, Raft is responsible for managing data replication across multiple nodes. Each data unit in TiKV, known as a Region, uses Raft to replicate its data to other nodes. A Region is the basic unit of replication and distribution, providing the necessary redundancy to handle node failures.

When a client writes data to TiDB, the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. Leader Selection: Raft elects a leader for each Region, which is responsible for processing write and read requests.
  2. Log Replication: The leader replicates log entries to follower nodes.
  3. Commitment: Once a majority of follower nodes acknowledge the log entry, it is considered committed and applied to the state machine.

Key Components: Leaders, Followers, and Learners

Raft organizes nodes into three roles: leaders, followers, and learners. Understanding these roles is essential to grasp how Raft achieves consensus.


The leader is the central coordinator in Raft. Responsibilities include:

  • Managing log entries.
  • Sending heartbeat messages to followers to maintain authority.
  • Handling all write operations from clients.
  • Facilitating log replication to followers.


Followers are passive nodes that receive instructions from the leader. Their responsibilities include:

  • Accepting and storing log entries from the leader.
  • Responding to heartbeat messages to show they are still active.
  • Participating in leader elections by voting for candidates.


Learners are non-voting members of the cluster. They serve the following purposes:

  • Acting as standby replicas that can quickly replace followers.
  • Allowing new nodes to join the cluster without disrupting the existing consensus.
  • Providing additional copies of data for higher fault tolerance.

Data Replication and Fault Tolerance in TiDB using Raft

One of the Key advantages of Raft in TiKV is its ability to ensure robust data replication and fault tolerance:

  1. Log Replication: Data changes are first written as log entries in the leader’s local log. The leader then replicates these log entries to follower nodes. This ensures that every node eventually has an identical copy of the data.
  2. Commitment: A log entry is only committed after a majority of nodes (leader and followers) acknowledge it. This guarantees that the data is durably stored and prevents data loss.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Raft’s majority rule mechanism ensures that the system can tolerate failures of minority nodes. If the leader fails, a new leader is elected from the remaining nodes, ensuring the continuity of operations.
  4. Crash Recovery: Upon a node failure and subsequent recovery, Raft ensures that the recovering node catches up with the latest state through log replication, minimizing downtime and data inconsistency.

Benefits of Using Raft in TiDB

Ensuring Data Consistency and Reliability

One of the most significant benefits of using Raft in TiDB is ensuring data consistency and reliability. By using Raft, TiDB guarantees that all data changes are consistently replicated across multiple nodes. This is achieved through:

  • Commitment of log entries: Only committed log entries are applied to the state machine, ensuring that all nodes have a consistent view of the data.
  • Durability: Once a log entry is committed, it is guaranteed to be durable and will not be lost even in the event of node failures.

Enhancing System Availability and Partition Tolerance

TiDB uses Raft to enhance system availability and partition tolerance. By replicating data across multiple nodes and ensuring that a majority of nodes must agree on any changes, TiDB can:

  • Continue operations during node failures: Even if one or more nodes fail, the remaining nodes can continue to provide read and write services.
  • Handle network partitions gracefully: Raft’s majority rule ensures that even in the event of network partitions, one of the partitions can continue to operate as long as it has a majority of nodes.

Simplified Leader Election and Crash Recovery

Raft simplifies the processes of leader election and crash recovery, making TiDB a more robust and easy-to-manage system. Key benefits include:

  • Automatic leader election: In the event of a leader failure, Raft automatically elects a new leader from the remaining nodes, ensuring continuous availability.
  • Efficient crash recovery: When a node recovers from a crash, Raft ensures it catches up with the latest state of the system through log replication, minimizing downtime and data inconsistency.

Real-World Applications and Case Studies

Businesses Leveraging TiDB with Raft for High Availability

Several businesses have adopted TiDB with Raft for its high availability and robust fault tolerance. For instance:

  • Online retail platforms: TiDB’s ability to handle large volumes of transactions while ensuring data consistency and availability makes it ideal for high-traffic online retail platforms.
  • Financial institutions: The financial sector values TiDB’s data durability and fault tolerance, ensuring that no transaction is lost and the system remains highly available even during failures.

Performance Metrics and Improvements in Different Use Cases

By leveraging Raft, TiDB has shown significant improvements in performance metrics across various use cases. Key performance improvements include:

  • Reduced write latency: By optimizing the log replication process and ensuring efficient leader election, TiDB reduces write latency.
  • Improved read performance: By distributing read requests across multiple nodes and ensuring data consistency through Raft, TiDB significantly improves read performance.
  • Higher throughput: With efficient data replication and fault tolerance, TiDB handles higher throughput, making it ideal for large-scale applications.

Implementation Example with Code Snippets

To better illustrate the application of Raft in TiDB, let’s consider a practical deployment example. Consider setting up a TiDB cluster across multiple availability zones (AZs) within a region. The deployment configuration might look something like this:

    replication.location-labels: ["zone","az","rack","host"]

  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z1", az: "az1", rack: "r1", host: "30" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z1", az: "az1", rack: "r1", host: "31" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z1", az: "az1", rack: "r2", host: "32" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z1", az: "az1", rack: "r2", host: "33" }

  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z2", az: "az2", rack: "r1", host: "34" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z2", az: "az2", rack: "r1", host: "35" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z2", az: "az2", rack: "r2", host: "36" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z2", az: "az2", rack: "r2", host: "37" }

  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z3", az: "az3", rack: "r1", host: "38" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z3", az: "az3", rack: "r1", host: "39" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z3", az: "az3", rack: "r2", host: "40" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "z3", az: "az3", rack: "r2", host: "41" }

In this example, we distribute TiKV instances across three availability zones within a single region, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.


The Raft consensus algorithm is a cornerstone of TiDB’s architecture, providing robust data consistency, high availability, and fault tolerance in a distributed environment. By integrating Raft into TiKV, TiDB can ensure that all nodes in a cluster maintain consistent data, even in the face of node failures or network partitions.

Through efficient leader election, simplified crash recovery, and adaptive data replication, TiDB leverages Raft to create a highly reliable database system that can handle the demands of modern applications. Whether it’s an online retail platform, financial institution, or any other high-availability use case, TiDB with Raft offers a resilient solution that guarantees data integrity and operational continuity. For those looking to delve deeper into deployment solutions and configurations for high availability, the PingCAP documentation on multiple availability zones deployment provides a comprehensive guide. Furthermore, to get started with TiDB and take advantage of its powerful features, visit the PingCAP TiDB storage documentation.

By combining the innovative aspects of Raft with the practical solutions offered by TiDB, engineers and developers can build systems that inspire confidence and deliver real-world results.

Last updated September 27, 2024