Introduction to TiDB and PostgreSQL

Overview of TiDB

TiDB, or “Ti” stands for Titanium Database, is an open-source, distributed SQL database developed by PingCAP. Designed to handle Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) workloads, TiDB offers a powerful combination of horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and high availability. Its MySQL compatibility simplifies migration for organizations already familiar with the MySQL ecosystem. By separating storage from compute and leveraging advanced technologies such as the Raft consensus algorithm for distributed transactions, TiDB ensures robust performance and data integrity.

TiDB aims to provide a one-stop database solution to meet the needs of diverse workloads, including Online Transactional Processing (OLTP), Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), and HTAP scenarios. Its architecture comprises three primary components: the TiDB server, the TiKV distributed key-value store, and the PD (Placement Driver) for scheduling and cluster management. This design allows TiDB to scale out effectively by adding more nodes to the cluster without sacrificing performance or reliability.

For more information about TiDB, check out its documentation.

Overview of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL, often simply called Postgres, is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system with a strong emphasis on standards compliance, extensibility, and SQL conformance. It was originally developed in 1986 at the University of California, Berkeley, and has since evolved into one of the most advanced and robust database systems available. PostgreSQL supports advanced data types and performance optimization features, making it suitable for various applications, from simple web apps to complex data warehousing solutions.

PostgreSQL’s architecture is built around a single-instance model where a single database server manages multiple databases. The server supports advanced features such as MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control), which provides high levels of concurrency and transactional integrity. PostgreSQL also offers sophisticated indexing mechanisms, full-text search capabilities, and support for procedural languages like PL/pgSQL.

Despite its many strengths, PostgreSQL’s scalability options are somewhat limited compared to distributed databases like TiDB. Scaling PostgreSQL typically involves vertical scaling (adding more resources to a single server) or partitioning data across multiple tables and servers, which can be complex to manage and maintain.

Key Differences Between TiDB and PostgreSQL

The fundamental architectural differences between TiDB and PostgreSQL lead to distinct strengths and limitations for each database system:

  1. Scalability: TiDB offers horizontal scalability with automatic sharding and distributed storage. PostgreSQL primarily relies on vertical scaling and manual partitioning strategies.
  2. Consistency: Both databases offer strong consistency guarantees. However, TiDB’s use of the Raft algorithm ensures even stronger consistency across distributed nodes.
  3. Compatibility: TiDB is MySQL-compatible, making it an easier choice for those migrating from MySQL-based systems. PostgreSQL has its own SQL dialect and requires some adaptation.
  4. Performance: TiDB is designed for handling high-concurrency workloads across multiple nodes, while PostgreSQL excels in single-node performance with advanced optimization features.
  5. Availability: TiDB’s distributed nature offers high availability out of the box, whereas PostgreSQL requires additional configurations, such as setting up replication and failover mechanisms.

For an in-depth look at TiDB’s unique capabilities, you can explore the comprehensive TiDB architecture documentation.

A side-by-side comparison chart of TiDB and PostgreSQL features and capabilities.

Benchmarking Performance

Performance Metrics

To comprehensively evaluate the performance of TiDB and PostgreSQL, we’ll focus on the following key performance metrics:

  1. Transaction Throughput: Measures the number of transactions processed per second. This metric indicates the system’s capacity to handle concurrent workloads.
  2. Latency: Evaluates the time it takes for a transaction to be completed. Lower latency is crucial for applications requiring real-time performance.

These metrics provide a clear picture of how each database performs under various conditions and are essential for determining their suitability for different types of workloads.

Benchmarking Setup and Environment


For a fair comparison, both TiDB and PostgreSQL were set up on identical hardware configurations. Here are the details:

  • CPU: 16-core Intel Xeon processors
  • RAM: 64 GB
  • Disk: NVMe SSDs
  • Network: 10 Gbps Ethernet

Software Versions

  • TiDB: Version 5.4
  • PostgreSQL: Version 13.3

Benchmarking Tools

  • Sysbench: An open-source benchmarking tool used for evaluating database performance, particularly in terms of transaction throughput and latency.
  • pgbench: A PostgreSQL-specific benchmarking tool included in the PostgreSQL package, useful for generating transaction loads and measuring performance.


In this comprehensive comparison, we’ve explored the key differences between TiDB and PostgreSQL, focusing on their architectures, performance metrics, scalability methods, and real-world applications.

TiDB stands out with its robust distributed architecture, offering horizontal scalability, auto-sharding, and seamless scalability for high-concurrency workloads. It’s particularly well-suited for organizations dealing with large volumes of data and demanding high availability and strong consistency. While the initial setup cost might be higher, the long-term benefits and operational efficiency make it a compelling choice for growing applications.

PostgreSQL, with its rich set of features and advanced optimization capabilities, excels in single-node performance and is a reliable choice for applications requiring transaction integrity and complex querying capabilities. However, its scalability options are comparatively limited, relying on vertical scaling and partitioning strategies.

Ultimately, choosing the right database system depends on specific use cases, existing infrastructure, and future growth plans. TiDB’s distributed nature makes it ideal for dynamically scaling applications, whereas PostgreSQL offers robust performance for applications that may not require extensive scaling.

Whether you’re migrating from MySQL to TiDB or optimizing a single-instance PostgreSQL setup, both systems offer powerful tools and capabilities to meet diverse data management needs. Explore detailed documentation and case studies for further insights and best practices. For more information on TiDB, visit the TiDB official documentation, and for PostgreSQL, consult the PostgreSQL documentation.

An illustration showing a seamless scaling process in TiDB compared to PostgreSQL.

Last updated September 15, 2024