Introduction to TiDB Architecture

TiDB is an open-source, distributed SQL database designed to manage both online transactional and analytical processing (HTAP) workloads. As a hybrid database architecture, TiDB integrates seamlessly with the MySQL protocol, providing horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and high availability.

Overview of TiDB as a Distributed SQL Database

At its core, TiDB is more than just a distributed SQL database. It’s a robust data management platform that separates computing and storage, supporting both OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) tasks. TiDB’s design enables it to handle massive amounts of data while maintaining high availability, fault tolerance, and horizontal scalability—making it a perfect fit for cloud-native environments.

TiDB architecture addresses the complexity of data management with a simplistic approach. The database system can handle increasing workloads by simply adding more nodes, distributing both data and queries automatically. Instead of relying on single, monolithic database instances, TiDB spreads tasks across multiple nodes, ensuring that no single point of failure can compromise the system.

Core Principles and Design Goals of TiDB

The primary design goals of TiDB are:

  1. Horizontal Scalability: TiDB can seamlessly scale out by adding additional nodes, allowing it to manage growing datasets and increasing query loads without degrading performance.
  2. Fault Tolerance and High Availability: Utilizing Raft consensus algorithm, TiDB ensures data is replicated across multiple nodes, providing redundancy and fault tolerance. It can recover from node failures automatically, minimizing downtime.
  3. Elastic Resource Utilization: TiDB separates the compute and storage layers, enabling independent scaling of resources and efficient utilization as per workload requirements.
  4. SQL Compatibility: TiDB is fully compatible with the MySQL protocol, enabling easy migration of existing applications without significant code changes.
  5. Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP): By leveraging both row-based and columnar storage engines, TiDB can efficiently manage transactional and analytical workloads within a single database system.

Evolvement and Current Status of TiDB in the Database Ecosystem

Since its inception, TiDB has become a significant player in the distributed database ecosystem. Its open-source nature and active community support contribute to continuous updates, enhancements, and feature additions. PingCAP, the company behind TiDB, has ensured that the database evolves with the dynamic needs of modern data management.

Illustration depicting the evolution and community support of TiDB over time.

TiDB’s uniqueness lies in its hybrid approach—it’s neither an OLTP nor an OLAP database but performs optimally in both domains. This characteristic makes TiDB stand out in the database landscape, offering an integrated solution for comprehensive data management needs.

Core Components of TiDB

TiDB’s architecture is modular, consisting of several core components that work together to provide a seamless distributed database experience. These core components include the TiDB Server, TiKV, Placement Driver (PD), and TiFlash.

TiDB Server: SQL Layer

Role and Functionality

The TiDB Server is the SQL layer of the TiDB architecture, responsible for parsing SQL queries, optimizing query plans, and executing these plans across the underlying distributed infrastructure. It acts as the gateway for client applications, receiving SQL requests and returning results.

SQL Parsing, Optimization, and Execution

When a client sends an SQL query to TiDB, the server parses it to form an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The parsed query then goes through logical and physical optimization:

  1. Logical Optimization: This step involves transforming the query into an efficient execution plan while preserving its semantics. The goal is to simplify the query and reduce the overall computational cost.
  2. Physical Optimization: Based on the logical plan, TiDB generates a physical execution plan that specifies how to retrieve and process data from the distributed storage system. This phase considers data distribution, operator costs, and execution strategies to minimize resource usage and maximize performance.

Once the execution plan is finalized, the TiDB Server coordinates with other components (like TiKV and TiFlash) to execute the plan and assemble the results to send back to the client.

TiKV: Storage Layer

Distributed Key-Value Store Basics

TiKV, TiDB’s storage layer, is a distributed transactional key-value store. Designed to manage immense datasets, TiKV stores data in key-value pairs and ensures strong consistency using the Raft consensus algorithm. Each TiKV node functions independently and participates in the distributed transactions seamlessly.

Data Distribution and Management

Data in TiKV is divided into small, manageable segments called Regions, each representing a contiguous range of key-value pairs. Regions are distributed across TiKV nodes to balance the load and optimize storage utilization. The Placement Driver (PD) component oversees this distribution, ensuring data redundancy and load balancing.

TiKV’s architecture allows TiDB to handle data replication, fault tolerance, and horizontal scalability with ease. The following code snippet illustrates how data is encoded into key-value pairs in TiKV:

     ID int,
     Name varchar(20),
     Role varchar(20),
     Age int,
     KEY idxAge (Age)

The table’s data might be encoded as key-value pairs like:

t10_r1 --> ["TiDB", "SQL  Layer", 10]
t10_r2 --> ["TiKV", "KV  Engine", 20]
t10_r3 --> ["PD", "Manager", 30]

Placement Driver (PD)

Master Node for Metadata Management

PD serves as the brain of the TiDB cluster, managing metadata and orchestrating load balancing. It stores critical information about the data distribution and topology of the TiKV cluster.

Load Balancing and Data Placement Strategies

The PD component continuously monitors the cluster’s state and adjusts the placement of data as needed. It uses sophisticated algorithms to move Regions between nodes for balancing the load and maintaining optimal performance. For instance, if a node fails, PD redistributes its data to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.


Role as the Analytical Engine

TiFlash is an extension of TiKV, designed to accelerate analytical processing. Unlike TiKV, which stores data in rows, TiFlash uses a columnar storage format, allowing faster analytical query execution.

Real-time HTAP Capabilities

With TiFlash, TiDB supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) by replicating data from TiKV in real-time. This ensures data consistency across both storage engines, enabling efficient and simultaneous transactional and analytical workloads. The following links provide more information about TiFlash and its capabilities:
Learn More about TiFlash

Data Flow in TiDB

Understanding the data flow within TiDB is crucial for comprehending how the system manages to deliver consistent, high-performance operations.

SQL Query Lifecycle

The lifecycle of an SQL query in TiDB involves several stages, from the initial client request to the final result delivery.

From Client Request to Result Delivery

  1. Client Request: A client sends an SQL query to the TiDB Server.
  2. SQL Parsing: The server parses the query into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  3. Logical Optimization: The query is transformed into a logical execution plan.
  4. Physical Optimization: A physical execution plan is generated, considering data distribution and costs.
  5. Distributed Execution: The TiDB Server coordinates with TiKV and TiFlash to execute the plan.
  6. Result Assembly: The results are assembled and returned to the client.

Query Routing and Distributed Execution

TiDB efficiently routes queries across multiple nodes, leveraging the distributed nature of the system. It uses query routing strategies to minimize latency and maximize throughput, ensuring optimal execution efficiency.

Data Storage Workflow

Write Paths and Data Consistency Mechanisms

Data writes in TiDB follow a structured path to ensure consistency and fault tolerance. When a write request is received, the following steps are executed:

  1. Transaction Start: A transaction begins with a unique transaction ID.
  2. Data Write: Write operations are applied to TiKV nodes, temporarily stored in a write buffer.
  3. Commit: The transaction manager ensures that all write operations are successfully replicated to the majority of nodes using the Raft protocol before committing.

Replication and Fault Tolerance

TiDB’s replication strategy involves maintaining multiple copies of data across different TiKV nodes. This redundancy ensures fault tolerance, as the system can automatically recover from node failures by promoting a replica to become the new leader.

Data Retrieval and Compaction

Read Paths and Performance Optimization

Data retrieval in TiDB is optimized for performance. Read queries are pushed down to TiKV or TiFlash, depending on the nature of the data. The system utilizes caching mechanisms and efficient indexing to minimize read latency.

Compaction and Garbage Collection Strategies

TiKV employs compaction and garbage collection strategies to manage storage efficiently. Compaction merges and organizes data to reclaim space and improve read performance, while garbage collection removes obsolete data versions in an MVCC setup.


TiDB stands out in the modern database ecosystem as a highly versatile, scalable, and robust system that addresses the critical needs of today’s data-intensive applications. Its unique architecture, combining the strengths of traditional SQL databases with the flexibility and scalability of NoSQL systems, provides a powerful platform for both transactional and analytical processing.

By understanding TiDB’s architecture and core components, you can appreciate its capability to deliver high availability, fault tolerance, and real-time analytics, making it an ideal choice for enterprises looking to handle large-scale, diverse workloads efficiently. For more detailed insights, reference the following resources:

Embrace TiDB and harness the power of a truly distributed SQL database, capable of transforming your data management landscape with unparalleled scalability and performance.

Last updated September 21, 2024