Understanding Distributed Transactions

Overview of Distributed Transactions

In the world of distributed computing, data consistency and reliability are paramount, especially when multiple databases or nodes are involved. Distributed transactions play a critical role in ensuring that all participating databases reflect the same state, despite potential failures or network partitions. Essentially, a distributed transaction is a complex process, where a single transaction spans multiple nodes or databases, but maintains ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties across all involved systems.

An illustration showing a distributed transaction across multiple databases, highlighting ACID properties.

Distributed transactions are integral to modern applications like financial systems, e-commerce platforms, and data analytics, where data is dispersed across various geographical locations for performance and reliability reasons. By coordinating actions among different nodes, distributed transactions ensure that the system remains in a consistent state, even in the face of failures.

Challenges in Distributed Transactions

Handling distributed transactions is inherently challenging due to several factors:

  1. Network Failures: Networks are inherently unreliable. Messages might be delayed, corrupted, or lost entirely, complicating the coordination among distributed nodes.
  2. Node Failures: Any node can fail at any time, making it difficult to ensure that all participating nodes in a transaction are in agreement.
  3. Concurrency Issues: Multiple transactions might attempt to access the same data concurrently, leading to potential conflicts and requiring robust conflict resolution mechanisms.
  4. Latency: Coordinating across geographically distributed nodes introduces significant latency, which can impact the overall system’s performance.

Key Protocols for Distributed Transactions

Two-Phase Commit (2PC)

The Two-Phase Commit protocol is a widely-used method for ensuring atomicity in distributed transactions. It involves two distinct phases:

  1. Prepare Phase: The coordinator node asks all participating nodes to prepare for the transaction and locks the necessary resources. Each node then writes the transaction to its log but does not commit it yet.
  2. Commit Phase: If all nodes respond positively, the coordinator instructs all nodes to commit the transaction. In case any node fails to prepare, the coordinator issues a rollback command to all nodes.

Despite its simplicity, 2PC has certain drawbacks, especially when dealing with network partitions. If the coordinator crashes during the commit phase, the system can lock indefinitely, awaiting a decision.

Three-Phase Commit (3PC)

The Three-Phase Commit protocol is an enhancement over 2PC, designed to handle network partitions more gracefully. It introduces an additional phase:

  1. Can Commit Phase: The coordinator asks participants if they can commit.
  2. Pre-Commit Phase: If all participants can commit, they are instructed to prepare for the commit but not commit yet.
  3. Commit Phase: The coordinator then sends a commit command to all nodes if no failures are detected. If there’s any failure, the transaction is rolled back.

The extra phase ensures that three-phase commit is non-blocking in many scenarios, improving reliability in distributed systems.

TiDB’s Approach to Handling Distributed Transactions

Overview of TiDB’s Distributed System Architecture

TiDB, an open-source, distributed SQL database developed by PingCAP, provides horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and high availability. TiDB’s architecture is designed to offer seamless integration of distributed transactions, ensuring robust data consistency across nodes. TiDB achieves this through its multi-layered architecture:

  1. TiDB Server: This stateless layer handles SQL parsing, optimization, and execution. It communicates with the storage layer to retrieve and modify data.
  2. Placement Driver (PD): This component manages cluster metadata and handles the placement of data across the TiKV nodes to ensure load balancing and high availability.
  3. TiKV: This is the distributed key-value storage engine implementing the Raft consensus algorithm to ensure data consistency and availability.

Percolator Model in TiDB

At the core of TiDB’s transaction mechanism lies the Percolator model, which was inspired by Google’s Percolator system. This model extends the traditional two-phase commit approach to work seamlessly in a distributed environment with strong consistency guarantees. Here’s an overview of how it works:

  1. Primary and Secondary Keys: TiDB utilizes the concept of primary and secondary keys. The transaction is designated with a primary key, and all other keys modified by the transaction are treated as secondary keys.
  2. Prewrite Phase: The primary key is prewritten first, followed by the secondary keys. Each key is written with a timestamp and a lock indicating that the transaction intends to modify it. This is akin to the prepare phase in 2PC.
  3. Commit Phase: Once the prewrite phase ensures that all locks are acquired, the commit phase is triggered by committing the primary key followed by the secondary keys.

This model benefits from reduced latency as secondary keys can be committed independently once the primary key is committed, ensuring atomicity and consistency.

A diagram illustrating the Percolator model in TiDB, showing primary and secondary keys with prewrite and commit phases.

Implementation of Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC)

TiDB adopts Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) to handle concurrent transactions efficiently. MVCC enables the database to maintain multiple versions of a record, each version identified by a unique timestamp. This mechanism allows read and write operations to proceed without blocking each other, reducing contention and enhancing throughput.

In TiKV (the key-value storage layer), each key is stored with multiple versions, and transactions read the version with the highest timestamp that is less than or equal to the transaction timestamp. This ensures that transactions can read a consistent snapshot of the database without waiting for ongoing write operations to complete.

Example of MVCC in TiDB:

BEGIN; -- Start a transaction
UPDATE users SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE userid = 1; -- This write operation creates a new version

During the transaction, TiDB creates a new version of the balance for userid = 1. Concurrent reads can still access the previous version of the balance, ensuring non-blocking read operations.

Transaction Handling and Execution Flow in TiDB

The transaction workflow in TiDB is designed to provide strong consistency and high availability. Here’s a high-level overview of the execution flow:

  1. Transaction Start: When a transaction begins, it retrieves a start timestamp from the Placement Driver (PD).
  2. Reads and Writes: The transaction performs read and write operations. Read operations fetch the latest committed version of the data with a timestamp less than or equal to the transaction’s start timestamp. Write operations lock the keys and prepare new versions, but they remain visible only to the transaction until committed.
  3. Prewrite Phase: During the prewrite phase, the transaction ensures that all keys involved are locked and prepares the new versions.
  4. Commit Phase: The transaction commits by writing a commit timestamp to the primary key and subsequently to the secondary keys. After the primary key commit is written successfully, the transaction is considered committed.
  5. Timestamp Management: The PD ensures global coordination of timestamps, preventing conflicts and ensuring serializability of transactions.

Ensuring Global Data Consistency

Importance of Global Data Consistency

Global data consistency is crucial in distributed systems, especially when handling financial transactions, e-commerce orders, and other critical operations. Consistency ensures that all nodes or replicas reflect the same data state, preventing anomalies and data corruption.

Without global consistency, systems might exhibit behaviors like lost updates, dirty reads, and other inconsistencies that can compromise data integrity and lead to erroneous results or incorrect system behavior.

Mechanisms for Ensuring Consistency in TiDB

TiDB employs several mechanisms to ensure strong consistency across its distributed architecture:

  1. Raft Consensus Algorithm: TiKV, the storage engine, uses the Raft consensus algorithm to ensure that all replicas of a data partition, called Regions, are in agreement. Raft guarantees that log entries are committed in the same order across all replicas, providing strong consistency even in the presence of failures.

  2. Timestamp Oracle (TSO): The Placement Driver (PD) in TiDB acts as a timestamp oracle, providing globally synchronized timestamps for transactions. This mechanism avoids timestamp collisions and ensures that transactions can be serialized and ordered correctly.

  3. Two-Phase Commit: Building on the Percolator model, TiDB implements a two-phase commit protocol for atomic transactions. By ensuring that locks are acquired before committing, TiDB upholds consistency and prevents interleaved transactions from causing data corruption.

TiDB’s Use of Google’s Spanner-like Model

TiDB borrows design principles from Google Spanner to achieve global data consistency and horizontal scalability. Similar to Spanner, TiDB leverages synchronized clocks (using its timestamp oracle) to maintain consistency across distributed nodes.

Comparison with Spanner:

  • Synchronized Clocks: While Spanner relies on TrueTime API to manage synchronized clocks with bounded uncertainty, TiDB uses its Placement Driver (PD) for timestamp management, ensuring consistent transaction ordering.
  • Architecture: Both systems employ a distributed architecture with leader-replica setups, ensuring that data is strongly consistent and available.
  • SQL Compatibility: TiDB extends the flexibility of Spanner by being MySQL-compatible, facilitating easier adoption and integration into existing infrastructures.

Cross-Region Data Consistency Solutions in TiDB

Ensuring data consistency across geographically dispersed regions is challenging due to network latencies and potential partitions. TiDB incorporates several strategies to address these challenges:

  1. Geo-Distributed Data Centers: TiDB allows deployments across multiple geo-distributed data centers, ensuring that data can be replicated and available closer to where it is needed, thus reducing latency and improving resilience. By keeping network latency within 5ms, TiDB maintains strong consistency and performance across regions.

  2. Cross-Region Replication: TiDB supports cross-region replication, ensuring that data written in one region is replicated and available in another region. This replication is managed through TiKV’s Raft consensus, ensuring strong consistency without compromising availability.

  3. Consistency Protocols: By employing the Raft consensus algorithm and synchronized timestamps, TiDB ensures that data consistency is maintained even in the face of network partitions or node failures.


TiDB’s approach to distributed transactions offers a robust, highly-available, and consistent solution in the landscape of distributed databases. By leveraging the Percolator model, Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), and Raft consensus algorithm, TiDB provides a seamless and reliable platform for managing complex distributed transactions.

The innovative use of Google’s Spanner-like model and geo-distributed data centers ensures that TiDB meets the needs of modern applications requiring global data consistency, low latency, and high performance. As organizations continue to scale and distribute their data across regions, TiDB stands out as an exceptional choice for achieving consistent and reliable distributed transactions.

To explore further and implement TiDB for your applications, refer to the TiDB official documentation and leverage the comprehensive resources available.

Last updated September 16, 2024