Introduction to TiDB’s Distributed SQL

Overview of TiDB Architecture

TiDB is an open-source distributed SQL database that supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) workloads. Designed with modern cloud-native architecture principles, TiDB provides an elastic, horizontally scalable platform. This distributed design ensures strong consistency and high availability, particularly suitable for large-scale applications requiring robust performance and data integrity.

TiDB’s architecture is composed of three main components:

  • TiDB Server: A stateless SQL processing layer compatible with the MySQL protocol.
  • PD Server (Placement Driver): Manages metadata and makes critical scheduling and load-balancing decisions.
  • TiKV Server: A distributed key-value storage engine responsible for data persistence and distributed transactional support.
TiDB Architecture

The TiDB server is responsible for SQL parsing, query optimization, and execution plan generation. Unlike traditional SQL databases, TiDB leverages a distributed execution model where the actual data retrieval is delegated to the TiKV nodes. The PD server serves as the brain of the TiDB cluster, managing metadata and ensuring operational efficiency and balance across the cluster. For more details, please refer to the comprehensive TiDB architecture documentation.

An illustration showing the interaction between TiDB Server, PD Server, and TiKV Server, highlighting the flow of data and query processing.

Key Features of Distributed SQL in TiDB

TiDB boasts several features that set it apart from traditional standalone SQL databases:

  • Scalability: TiDB’s architecture allows horizontal scaling to handle increasing workloads by simply adding more nodes.
  • Compatibility: TiDB is fully compatible with MySQL, ensuring a seamless transition for applications originally built on MySQL.
  • High Availability: TiDB supports automatic failover, ensuring that a minor failure does not interrupt the service.
  • Distributed Transactions: TiDB supports ACID transactions across distributed nodes, making it reliable for applications requiring strong data consistency.
  • Data Migration Tools: TiDB offers a rich suite of tools for data migration, replication, and backup, facilitating easier database management and transition.

For detailed insights into TiDB’s distributed transaction management, explore TiDB’s transaction model.

Comparison with Traditional SQL Databases

TiDB provides significant advantages over traditional standalone SQL databases:

  • Distributed Architecture: Unlike monolithic SQL servers, TiDB’s distributed nature ensures that it can handle highly concurrent workloads and high data volumes efficiently.
  • Elastic Scaling: Traditional SQL servers often require downtime or complex sharding mechanisms for scaling, whereas TiDB can scale horizontally without downtime.
  • Fault Tolerance: High availability in traditional systems typically demands complex setups with potential downtime during failover. In contrast, TiDB’s architecture naturally supports failover without service interruption.
  • HTAP Capabilities: TiDB is designed to handle both OLTP and OLAP workloads, which is not usually feasible with traditional databases without significant overheads and auxiliary systems.

For a deeper dive, see the complete comparison between TiDB and traditional SQL databases here.

Seamless Horizontal Scaling with TiDB

Logical and Physical Sharding

In TiDB, data is divided into logical units called Regions, and each Region is a range of rows in the table. These Regions can be split and merged dynamically based on the load, providing fine-grained sharding across the TiKV nodes. Each Region has replicas stored on different TiKV nodes, ensuring fault tolerance and high availability.

TiKV manages these Regions, and they are the basic unit of data rebalancing when nodes are added or removed. For instance:

    order_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    customer_id INT,
    order_date DATE,
    status VARCHAR(10)

This orders table would be split into multiple Regions based on the order_id and distributed across different TiKV nodes. Queries on this table would be handled by routing the requests to the appropriate nodes, leveraging the distributed architecture.

Load Balancing and Resource Allocation

TiDB intelligently distributes load across all nodes in the cluster to avoid hotspots and ensure efficient resource utilization. The PD server continuously monitors the cluster’s state, making decisions such as moving Regions between TiKV nodes to balance the load and ensure optimal performance.

For example, if the PD server detects that a particular TiKV node is overloaded, it can automatically migrate some Regions to less loaded nodes. This ensures that no single node becomes a bottleneck, and the cluster can handle high concurrency and large volumes of transactions.

Automatic Data Rebalancing and Node Addition

One of TiDB’s standout features is its seamless horizontal scaling capability. Adding a new node to the cluster automatically triggers a rebalancing process. The PD server will adjust the distribution of Regions to integrate the new node, redistributing load and data storage intelligently across the expanded cluster.

# To add a new TiKV node
tiup cluster scale-out <cluster-name> --topology scale-out.yaml

The above command, using TiUP (TiDB’s cluster management tool), would add a new TiKV node to the cluster. The PD server handles the rebalancing of data to utilize the new node efficiently.

For a practical demonstration, visit the official TiUP documentation.

Real-World Applications and Benefits

Case Studies of TiDB Implementation

Several companies have successfully implemented TiDB to solve their data challenges.

  1. Zhihu: The largest Q&A site in China migrated from MySQL to TiDB to handle a surge in data volume and user traffic. TiDB’s compatibility with MySQL allowed Zhihu to transition smoothly without significant changes to their application code. Read more about the Zhihu case study here.
  2. Banking Sector: A leading financial institution adopted TiDB to ensure strong data consistency and availability across multiple branches. The distributed architecture of TiDB enabled seamless scaling and failover capabilities critical to their operations. Discover the full case study here.

Performance Benchmarks and Scalability Metrics

TiDB’s performance benchmarks highlight its ability to handle high throughput and low latency, essential for real-time applications. In TPC-C benchmarks, TiDB demonstrated exceptional performance, capable of processing thousands of transactions per second with millisecond latency.

Economic Impacts and ROI of Using TiDB

By adopting TiDB, organizations can achieve significant cost savings. The elastic scaling model reduces the need for over-provisioning resources, while automatic failover minimizes downtime, translating to lower maintenance costs and higher availability.


TiDB is revolutionizing the landscape of database technologies with its distributed, cloud-native SQL design. Offering seamless horizontal scaling, robust HTAP capabilities, and strong MySQL compatibility, TiDB provides a versatile and powerful solution for modern data workloads. Whether in high-concurrency environments or needing real-time analytical processing, TiDB addresses the challenges posed by traditional databases, ensuring scalability, high availability, and cost efficiency.

To start leveraging the full power of TiDB, explore the comprehensive TiDB documentation and unlock new potentials for your data infrastructure today!

Last updated September 21, 2024